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Building great friendships isn’t just about finding the right people, it’s about becoming a better friend — and a better person — yourself. Click on Amazon to order book!

Building great friendships isn’t just about finding the right people, it’s about becoming a better friend — and a better person — yourself. Click on Amazon to order book!

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Why We’re Here

We know that our friendships increase our happiness, our health, and our longevity, yet people have fewer close confidantes today than we did three decades ago, and loneliness has become a public health crisis. Even though there’s a huge amount of information in the media discussing these relationships, and our social media feeds run 24/7, we haven’t been smart about the way we approach friendships. What we’re looking for are those people who share and support our core values and achievable goals. In my life, these are the relationships that have offered me the most personal and intellectual growth. Your journey starts with you becoming a smarter, more compassionate friend, and the resources on this website give you the information and opportunity to help you reach your success.

What’s New

Writing Workshop: Unraveling Personal Myths through Story-telling

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What are the Signs Your Friendship Is Solid?

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